
11th International Symposium on Recurrence Plots 2025

Registration and Abstract Submission

Registration fee: 200 USD (regular), 75 USD (students)
Reduced registration fee for virtual participation: 50 USD (regular and students)
The fee includes all the material for the conference and refreshment breaks.

Attendee needs to complete the registration (not submission) by payment of the registration fee. The payment can be done after receiving the acceptance letter. The payment procedure is open through June 30th.

Deadline abstract submission: March 31st, 2025 April 30th, 2025 (see also Calendar)

Please register and submit an abstract of your contribution (regular talk, poster or workshop session) by using the following form. Please do not capitalise whole words! Please use only regular ASCII letters! Non-ASCII letters and special characters such as accents, greek letters, and umlauts can cause problems. You can use LaTeX coding to express such letters and characters. Abstracts can have up to 400 words.
required fields;   required only if oral or poster contribution is submitted

The abstracts of all accepted contributions will be published in the symposium abstract book.


Note: Email forwarding to Gmail addresses may cause issues. Please use your institutional email address directly, without forwarding.

Your personal data (title, name, institution/ department, address, postal code, city, county, and e-mail) as well as your scientific contribution (if given) will be processed by the conference organisation for the purpose of organising the conference, contacting you and providing you with the conference information in compliance with data protection policy. In particular, the data will be stored and processed by the University of Tsukuba, the AIST, the JST Aihara Moonshot Project, and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. If you have any objections or questions, please contact Norbert Marwan.

In order to allow virtual participation, the conference will use the teleconferencing system Zoom provided by Zoom Video Communications, Inc. ("Zoom"), 55 Almaden Boulevard, 6th Floor, San Jose, CA 95113. If you participate in discussions, you and your contributions to the discussion by audio, video and/or chat will be a part of the conference session and will be streamed using the Zoom infrastructure and might be transferred to the USA or other Zoom computing centers in the world. We will not do any recordings of participant discussions sessions. To provide an adequate level of protection for your personal data, Zoom is EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Certified. At the same time, in deference to the other participants of the conference and to ensure compliance with the data protection laws, we kindly ask you to not film, take photos, record or further publish any material of the conference and the following discussion. Also please do not forward the Zoom link to third parties.

During the symposium, the organiser will take photographs for the purpose of conference documentation. These may be published on the website of the recurrence plot symposium, used in the symposium documentation and send to the participants. No right or fees can be derived from the consent to use the photographs.

Contribution (Talk or Poster)

if you just participate without any contribution, please select none in the "Type" field!

don't capitalise the entire title!
use only standard ASCII letters (use LaTeX code for non-ASCII and accents)

use firstname then lastname, separate authors by comma (not semicolon)
use only standard ASCII letters (use LaTeX code for accents)
for multiple affiliations use indexing in the form (1), (2), etc.

for multiple affiliations use indexing in the form (1), (2), etc.

Authors' names and affiliations, title, and abstract of conference contributions will be published at the conference programme and in the conference abstract booklet, both available on the conference website. We, therefore, ask you to check your conference contribution for third party copyright conflicts prior to submission.

Conference presentations (talks and posters) will be collected and shared within the participants after the event via a password protected repository. However, we will share only those presentations we have received your explicit consent.

Are you a human? =

Specific privacy statement for conference registration

We collect and store personal data about registrants of the symposium in a manner consistent with the lawful bases as outlined in the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The following information are collected and stored: name, institution, address, email, phone number, and data of the conference contribution (authors, affiliation, title, abstract, type of paper, workshop interest), date of abstract submission/ registration and IP address used during registration. This information is used for organisational purpose and to maintain the communication between the organisation committee and the participants. The IP address is used to prevent malicious misuse of the registration website. We do not share the data with any other party. By registering for the symposium, you give your consent to collect and store your data at the Faculty of Sciences, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. The data will be stored for one year after the symposium and then archived for additional 10 years. You can ask us anytime about your personal data that we have collected and stored (email to Norbert Marwan). You can also request to delete your data. But note that then the participation of the symposium cannot be guaranteed anymore.

Participation using teleconferencing system Zoom/ hybrid conference

In order to allow virtual participation, the conference will use the teleconferencing system Zoom provided by Zoom Video Communications, Inc. ("Zoom"), 55 Almaden Boulevard, 6th Floor, San Jose, CA 95113. If you participate in discussions, you and your contributions to the discussion by audio, video and/or chat will be a part of the conference session and will be streamed using the Zoom infrastructure and might be transferred to the USA or other Zoom computing centers in the world. We will not do any recordings of participant discussions sessions. To provide an adequate level of protection for your personal data, Zoom is EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Certified. At the same time, in deference to the other participants of the conference and to ensure compliance with the data protection laws, we kindly ask you to not film, take photos, record or further publish any material of the conference and the following discussion. Also please do not forward the Zoom link to third parties.

Consent on photographs and their use

During the symposium, the organiser will take photographs for the purpose of conference documentation. These may be published on the website of the recurrence plot symposium, used in the symposium documentation and send to the participants. No right or fees can be derived from the consent to use the photographs.

Publication of conference contribution metadata

Authors' names and affiliations, title, and abstract of conference contributions will be published at the conference programme and in the conference abstract booklet, both available on the conference website. Authors have checked their conference contribution for third party copyright conflicts prior to submission.

(last updated: 2025-03-05)